The Servants of The Mage King
Clockwork whirs and spins about behind the blank mechancical face of the automaton. Out from cold and vacant glass eyes the junction of science and arcana stares. It wonders not what it once was, nor how it functions for only the will of The Mage King permeates the cold calculating shell of this machine.
At least that was what Syphon, scholar second class, hadrecorded in his letter to Velheman of the Crimson Council...
The Grace of Greiasa
6th-level necromancy
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: touch
Components: V, S, M (a small quartz crystal)
Duration: Until dispelled
The body of a willing canditate falls into a catatonic state as the soul leaves it and enters the crystal you used for the spell’s material component. While the soul inhabits the container it is dormant. If the container is destroyed or the spell ends, the soul immediately returns to the body. If the body is more than 100 feet away from the crystal or if your body is dead when the soul attempts to return to it, they die. This spell may also be cast on a body that has been dead no longer than three days and only succeeds on a failed wisdom saving throw. The spell ends when the container is destroyed.
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